درباره كالج آموزشي مديريت دولتي سنگاپور
كالج آموزشي مديريت دولتي سنگاپور (CSC)، يك موسسه آموزشي تخصصي بين المللي است كه وظيفه آن تربيت مديران و كارشناسان دانش آموخته و زبده دولتي براي اداره امور كشور و ارائه خدمات عمومي با كيفيت به مردم است. اين كالج طيف وسيعي از موض
وعات مربوط به مديريت دولتي را در حوزه هاي مديريت راهبردي و كلان، رهبري سازماني و مديريت اجرايي و عملياتي در دولت به منظور افزايش ظرفيت مديريتي در بلند مدت پوشش ميدهد. اين كالج به دليل ارتباط تنگاتنگ با سازمانهاي دولتي توانسته است به غناي آموزشي دوره هاي خود از طريق بيان تجربيات موفق در سازمانها و مستندسازي آنها بيافزايد. همچنين با مشاركت دستگاههاي دولتي، بخش خصوصي، دانشگاهها و ساير دولتها به تبادل دستاوردهاي علمي و تجارب اجرايي مي پردازد. بسياري از كشورهاي آسيايي براي گذراندن دوره هاي مختلف در اين كالج و آشنايي با تجارب اجرايي دولت سنگاپور به عنوان يك مدل توسعه اقتصادي پنجاه ساله موفق در آسيا به اين كشور سفر ميكنند.
Civil Service College (CSC) Singapore, is a statutory board under the Public Service Division, Prime Minister's Office. Its mission is to develop people for a first class public service
CSC brings together public service officers from diverse backgrounds and provides them opportunities to plug into a service-wide network to exchange views, build shared ethos and perspectives, creating a rich environment for dialogue, knowledge sharing and learning
CSC programmes and services are practitioner-focused. With access to public sector thought leadership and line management, much of the training is facilitated by highly experienced practitioners who speak with authority and offer first-hand knowledge and experience
Through its programmes and services, CSC aims to build commitment and strategic capacity in governance, leadership, public administration and management for a networked government for the Singapore Public Service
CSC brings together public service officers from diverse backgrounds and provides them opportunities to plug into a service-wide network to exchange views, build shared ethos and perspectives, creating a rich environment for dialogue, knowledge sharing and learning
CSC programmes and services are practitioner-focused. With access to public sector thought leadership and line management, much of the training is facilitated by highly experienced practitioners who speak with authority and offer first-hand knowledge and experience
Through its programmes and services, CSC aims to build commitment and strategic capacity in governance, leadership, public administration and management for a networked government for the Singapore Public Service
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